2022 Annual Report
Dear Monte Vista Neighbors,
Next year, 2023, is the 50th Anniversary of the Monte Vista Historical Association’s founding in 1973 in response to neighborhood encroachment. If you have any ideas and/or stories to share on how to celebrate this, please let Melody Hull melodyhull@sbcglobal.net or mail@montevista-sa.org know. Here is a summary of your MVHA Board’s actions and activities so far in 2022:
• The Easter-Egg-Hunt-To-Go delivered 54 bags of goodies! Thanks Amanda, Beth, Melody & Becky!
• Architectural Review reviewed more than 35 cases! Thanks Ryan, Paul and committee!
• Thanks to Amanda and the Finance Committee for keeping us on track with our fundraising goals!
• Lydia and others have fielded more than 200 phone calls and emails!
The 4th of July Parade and Picnic was very well attended with close to 200 participants! We ran out of hot dogs and delivered the extra ice cream to our local Fire Station, who brought a truck to the picnic that the kiddos really enjoyed! Thanks Melody and crew for a fun day!
Google Fiber began working in MVHA in late September for the next 3-4 months. All MVHA streets will have construction laying the Google lines; the lines will be in the street, with every other house connection under the sidewalk; where possible, boxes will be put in alleys. Google will replace all landscape and any repairs. Concerns or questions – call 1-877-454-6959.
The Woodlawn Project is getting back on track! CP Bravo is very supportive and has pulled together Parks, Public Works and other key City leadership for a series of meetings. To be continued…
Third Thursdays: A big Thanks to all the Third Thursday 2021-22 Hosts: Chandler House, Gerry Frost & Leo Rodriguez, Millie & Richard Clark, Lisa & Wade Caldwell, Elizabeth & Ryan Reed, Rebecca Simmons & Rick Clemons, Linda & Michael Daniels, Lynn Boyd & Jon Baumgartner, & Cam Steirnberg, George & Ashley Timbrell, Diane & Rick Abdo! Thanks Judy Warren & Kathy Kennedy!
The May TT in partnership with Landa Conservancy, was just amazing with over 150 people! Big THANKS to Kathy Kennedy and Judy Warren and all the helpers!
Partnered with the Landa Library for another successful drive-thru Landa Boo Halloween.
Produced the quarterly newsletter, Vistas, which shares expert information and background about living in our historical neighborhood, while showcasing our neighbors and other neighborhood treasures.
We hope you continue to enjoy the weekly Monte Vista Monday; please share with others and let us know if you have something to include!
Sidewalks District 1 Council office reached out to see if we had any priorities for sidewalks. Traffic & Safety Chair Peter Hugill surveyed the entire MVHA and produced a prioritized(sic) Sidewalk Report which we submitted at the end of March. The Report can be found on the website. Thanks Peter!
Central Patrol Captain’s Meeting: Robin Teague joined me along with about a dozen other neighborhood organizations; Captain Carlos Garcia who reminded us how important neighborhoods are in helping with crime. Block Captain Chair Robin Teague arranged for several MV Block Captains to attend the COP Training at the Central District Office. There have been several D1 Safety & Crime Prevention Summits with our surrounding neighborhoods.
MVHA hosted the VIA Advanced Rapid Transit (ART) Community meeting; the ART Plan is in a very preliminary stage, so now is the time to weigh in on it. You can view the presentation, maps, renderings and make comments here: www.KeepSAMoving.com.
Brackenridge Park/Sunken Gardens is moving along. Go to: https://www.sanantonio.gov/ParksAndRec/News-Events/Capital-Project-Updates for meeting videos and updates.
Thanks to District 1 CP Mario Bravo & Anisa Schell, MVHA hosted a very informative Homelessness 101 Workshop with the San Antonio Regional Alliance for Homelessness, in response to concerns about homeless people living in MV alleys. We heard a lot of good info; the handouts and materials are on the MVHA website. To sign up for CP Bravo’s newsletter go to https://mailchi.mp/sanantonio/sign-up.
The City’s Uniform Development Code was under review and Tier One Neighborhood Coalition requested MVHA’s support of the Coalition’s amendments to several items; MVHA submitted letters of support at all levels of review.
Finally, the Executive Committee was invited to attend the Grand Opening of Trinity’s beautiful new Dicke Hall. Also, a group of us recently met with new Trinity University President Dr. Vanessa B. Beasley, who has a very special affinity for historic neighborhoods! We invited her to a Third Thursday to meet y’all!
Here’s to a historical next year!
Your 2022 MVHA Board of Directors